
August beans: is it broad? is it fava? is it tuin?

One of the side-effects of international dating is that your English goes to the dogs. My vocabulary is currently a mixture of British and American with an occasional smattering of Dutch when I forget my own language. There are linguistic misunderstandings all the time, which (generally) make for much amusement, and occasionally lead to culinary mishaps. Beans seem to be a particularly complex issue: not only do I have to figure out the American for them (do broad beans translate as fava or fresh lima?); I then have to work out how they’re likely to be labelled in the supermarket (tuinbonen or groene bonen?)…

At the end of the exercise, I’m left discombobulated and generally saddled with a few more beans than I’d bargained for. What I do know about this particular variety of summer beans, however, is that they’re a pain in the arse (or is that the ass?) to prepare. First you have to pod them like giant peas (although if you buy good frozen ones at least that bit is done for you); then blanch them, and finally pop the bright green innards out of their bitter grey-white skins. My American declared that it was like doing punishment in the Navy.

The results, however, were most satisfactory. First, I made a salad of them (adapted from Ottolenghi’s Plenty) with radishes, avocado, lemon and quinoa, with some mint thrown in for summery good measure.

A few nights later, I mixed my leftover orzo from July’s experiments with the rest of the broad beans and mint, a handful of peas and some cream. I topped it with seared cod and a slice of crispy bacon, and drizzled the plate with the juices from the pan, deglazed with lemon juice.

However you like to call your beans (after all, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet), these green nuggets go perfectly with their seasonal colleagues – peas, radishes, and don’t even get me started on the whole courgette vs. zucchini debate…


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